
FitoFit Health

Brazilian biodiversity products 

that promote better health for the world

About us

A FitoFit nasceu a partir do projeto Emerge Amazônia, realizado em 2021, em prol da pesquisa e desenvolvimento de fitoterápicos e bioprodutos voltados para doenças metabólicas. Nosso objetivo é inovar e desenvolver produtos com potencial de promover e reestabelecer a saúde de forma natural e sustentável.

Our mission

Somos uma equipe de cientistas e
especialistas, buscamos inovar e desenvolver fitoterápicos e bioprodutos oriundos da biodiversidade brasileira.

Our Values

CARING for the environment and people's health,

seeking innovative and sustainable solutions.

INNOVATE with excellence and responsibility,

working with integrity and cooperation.

Act in an

way with fewer side effects and focus on health rebalancing.

Research and Development

Fitofit Research and Development originates from the Bioactive Natural Products Laboratory of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Minas Gerais. We have Prof. Dr. Elita Scio as scientific advisor of Fitofit, responsible for the work developed in the Laboratory.

Nossa equipe técnica conta com pesquisadoras especialistas na bioprospecção e no desenvolvimento de bioativos, com mais de 20 anos de experiência no segmento.

What we offer


Mapping of potential phytotherapeutics and bioproducts from Brazilian biodiversity.


Technological development aimed at completing the pre-clinical stage of the phytotherapeutic or bioproduct.


We seek partners to capture the necessary investments to reach the market.

Pipeline FitoFit

Em parceria com a Emerge trabalhamos no desenvolvinmento de produtos inovadores como o FitoFit, que é um produto endereçado ao controle de transtornos metabólicos.

Our team

A pharmacist with a Ph.D. in Genetics and Biotechnology is a professor and researcher who leads the investigation of therapeutic strategies for metabolic diseases, probiotic microorganisms, and ingredients with the potential to improve intestinal homeostasis.

Martha Eunice de Bessa

Biotech Lead

A biologist, professor, and researcher with a Ph.D. in Genetics and Biotechnology leads the evaluation of the biological activity in bioproducts and herbal medicines.

Mara Lúcia Resende

Biological Lead

New Business Manager at Emerge Consultoria, Graduating in Materials Engineering at the Federal University of São Carlos, with experience in Product Design, Digital Services, and Business Models in Entrepreneurship.

Yuri Oliveira Trigo

Executive Lead

Pharmacist, full professor, and researcher at UFJF with a Ph.D. in Chemistry of Natural Products/Fiocruz, who coordinates the Bioactive Natural Products Laboratory, leading the bioprospection of natural actives and development of herbal medicines and bioproducts.

Elita Scio Fontes

Scientific Advisor

Contact Us

Rua Coronel Jose Eusebio Nº 95, Casa 13
Higienópolis, São Paulo – SP

Contact Us
+55 32 99946-3767
[email protected]